Aegean's Finest

Celebrating the Green Pearls of the Aegean region

What we do

The Aegean region is an accepted place for the production of the finest quality olive oils in the world. This is why Jardins d'Oliviers chose to work there.

The traditional way of harvesting olives is to shake the tree

The first important step is to collect the olives from the tree. However, if no net is used to catch the olives before they hit the ground, this process can result in bruised olives the crushing of which produces a lower-quality oil.

“We love what we do, how we do it, and the people involved”

The passion for creating high-quality olive oils is the heritage of our ancestors. Therefore, respecting this heritage and honoring our founders in the production of such finest olive oils, and protecting the coverage of this olive oil brand is our main goal.

We focus on the extra virgin olive oil for what it requires of delicacy. Extra-virgin olive oil retains the highest amount of antioxidants and vitamins among other types.